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Registration fees
Regular Registration
(until 15 Aug. 2024)
Late Registration
(after 16 Aug. 2024)
Student (in-person) -
Registrations closed
400 TTC
450 TTC
Non-student (in-person)
- Registrations closed
550 TTC
600 TTC
Online participation
- Registrations closed
120 TTC
150 TTC
Fees are in Euros (€) 10% VAT included.
Fees Include :
Admission to all conference and lab sessions
Daily lunch
Daily coffee breaks
Social events
Registrations are now closed.
If you wish to register, please contact us at:
Registration & Accommodation
26 avenue Jean Kuntzmann - 38330 Montbonnot
Registration secretariat
Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, Bâtiment IMAG
700 avenue Centrale, Domaine Universitaire - Grenoble 38400 St Martin d'Heres
Organizing committee
(*) Prices starting from fixed line incumbent, a surcharge may be applied by operators, counting the second after the first 45 seconds.
According to France's Personal Data Privacy Act in effect since June 2004, you may send a request in writing to INSIGHT OUTSIDE 26 Avenue Jean Kuntzmann, 38330 Montbonnot-Saint-Martin / France, or by email to access your file in order to consult, modify and/or delete your personal information.
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Insight Outside